
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Delayed Entry : Happy 2nd Anniversary!

On 24th December 2008 at approximately 11:00 am, my tittle officially changed from Miss Airin to Mrs Airin.

And on 24th December 2010, it has been exactly 2 years being a wife and a life partner to Mr Rosman. It has been a great and wonderful 2 years spending time with you. I'm praying for a lifetime opportunity to spend lovely years with you.
Thank you for being a great husband, an understanding and gentle husband.
I love you with all my life.. with all my heart, body and soul.
InsyaAllah, with Lissa and the next coming batch of our children (hmm.. another 2?), we'll live happily ever after..
Here are something to share with you guys..
Our marriage card

Our Marriage Certificate

Pray for our happiness.. aminnn..


  1. maria pun kawin bulan 12 tarikh die 27..;)

    happy anni jugak dear

  2. Oh, really? Selang 3 hari jeik. Happy Anniversary to you too!

  3. wei, aku tak wat lagi kad nikah tue


    boleh lagi ker ek??

  4. aik? dah 2 thn pun x wat lagi. rsnye bleh la.. sbb sape yg kawin dulu2 takde card pun bleh apply lagi. ko register kat selangor kan? patutnye bleh la.
    masa aku dulu, register kat n9. masa amik sijil nikah, dpt skali kad kawin. sijil nikah ko ade x?
