
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lissa's New Obsessed

Yes. I know. I couldn't find free time to update this blog.
Many reasons and excuses behind it ;)
And thanks to those who are still waiting for my new updates. A lot actually!
But first let me lay it out before i forgot, and somehow didn't hv time (hehe)
1. Coverage on Lissa's Birthday Party
2. Lissa's new progress
3. Lissa's new obsessed
4. My pregnancy progress
5. My new house progress
6. My new job task and moving to a new office

But today, i will choose on one topic out of those. (mcm zaman sekolah masa jawab BM Karangan plak..)
Topic No 3 : Lissa's new Obsessed
Everyone, Meet Mr Pinky!
Lissa just got it -fresh- last night.
We went to Sunway Pyramid for a movie (uhuh, 2nd movie for Lissa)
We got there around 9:20 pm.
But since the movie started on 10:15 pm, we went for a short walk going to some of the toys' stores.
We were supposed to buy present for Adam (Nadia's handsome boy) for his birthday party this weekend.
While I was looking at those toys (with a voice inside my head telling me "if Adam were a girl, it will be much much easier for me to choose..hehe"), Lissa and her abah went to other section.
I was quite nervous when I noticed that they'd gone. After looking aisle by aisle, i finally spotted them near baby's clothing area.
My husband was trying to fit Lissa into a pair of shoes. funny, but it was a pink shoe. after wearing the shoe, my husband said, ok, lets pay. then i said, that's it? nope, he showed me what was Lissa's holding to. the pink teddy bear was so cute with Lissa hugging it. hai.. bertuah la anak mama ni. baru pegang, abah belikan.
This is actually the first time i saw Lissa hanging on to something longer than a breath, which made me ponder, will this mr pinky be her bantal busuk, especially when she received new family member afterwards?
Now, lets enjoy looking at Lissa's picture, while dozing off last night.
(alamak, sila abaikan gambar kaki lissa ye..sungguh kurang sopan) 

sleep well, dear..


  1. "Aunty..Adam tak nak pinky teddy bear tu ;)"..hehehehe..

    baru nak tegur kaki Lissa..boleh jadik gymnas lah.. flexi tuh..

    keep us updated..dah kurang update blog skrang..specially on b'day lissa,new house n preggy tu..cepat2 buat OT ek..update blog!!

  2. 4. My pregnancy progress???
    wah wah wah! bape bulan? hikhikhik

    oh sungguh kurg sopan anak dara tu ye :) terkangkang! hahaha =p

  3. nadia:
    wah, kalau bagi teddy pinky tu kat adam, bleh tukar gender la..eish2..
    erm..kaki dia mmg bleh merata2letak..haha.. ala gymnas ;)
    try to find time rite now, nadia.. with all the work load. lately je baru free sket. kena OT kaw2 ni..haha
    erm.. hehehe.. skrg around 3 months kot. tak sure sgt. kena tunggu next checkup baru bleh confirm, since period tak tetap.
    agak la kurang sopan itu anak dara..huhu.. tak tgk kalau dia dok dlm stroller. mmg bersepah2 kaki nye..

  4. hehehe, kaki ada dua je kak long! bersepah cmne tu. hahaha! happy for u n family! bestnyer! hehehx

  5. congratulations!bestla lissa ada geng nnt :)
