
Monday, August 16, 2010

Fasting Month.Actively Pumping Mom.Actively Working Wife

Wow! It's fasting month. but instead of increased productivity, it seemed like the other way around for me, the productivity decreased. either it's the working stuff or the pumping quantity. even my stock is getting low. my body showed not enuff water, with the mouth ulser coming out, my lips getting dry.. but my baby still requires the same volume, no matter it is fasting month or not. i drink a lot of water. during berbuka session, while watching tv, while waiting for sleeping time, before sleep, right away after getting up for sahur, during sahur up to 3 glasses. by the time i'm done with my sahur, my stomach bloated like crazy! it is funny, yet thinking about the "requirement" to stockup as many water as possible, i hv to bear with it.
i'll update on my first experience of fasting with my baby lissa soon. a lot to tell, yet so lil time.. ;)


  1. em dah cuba makan kurma?makan supplement lain?maksud maria sayur2 mcm jantung pisang ke..

  2. ha ah.. kurma kdg2 terlupa gak nak mkn. waktu berbuka je..waktu sahur bl teringt jeik

    jantung pisang penah try, mmg bagus. tp agak susah nak cari kat bazaar2 ramadhan ni. kena cari kat psr mlm.

    maria ade mkn supplement ape2 ke? any suggestion?

  3. em maria tak makan supplement diorg ni ada yg try alfafa lah fenugreeklah..maria mmg tak mkn ape2..kurma tu mkn time sahur je..sebijik..tekak ni time sahur mmg takleh mkn byk sgt..huhu..jantung pisang mmg berkesan kan?em sedapnya lama dah tak mmg susah nk cr pn..huhu..
