
Monday, June 21, 2010

Congratulations Casting Peeps!

Good and bad news.

Yesterday was hectic!! as i told you last week, i was involved directly to arrange and mastermind the perbarisan for our department. a one week preparation was worthwhile! We won the Perbarisan event - received RM500. plus the football, futsal and tarik tali .and also the Overall Champion - received RM3500. i believe the total "income" of the day sum up to RM4500++. Congratulations to all!
Yup, that's my good news!

Bad news?
My not-feeling-so-good mood. I was feeling down whenever i heard people criticized me (eventho they didnt told me to my face-mmg dasar pengecut) i hate it when people mempertikaikan what i did as an engineer. so, what i do about it? lately i have been bundled up with a lot of important and urgent stuff to do by my boss (since not many of our engineers know and capable to do their job, but mastered in gossiping and criticizing other peeps). So once i finished up any project papers, i have to inform certain parties about the project status and all, through emails. Thus since everybody needs to be updated, i forwarded the emails to a lot of them (yes, including the macam-bagus guys). Now, they have been very very quiet, i'd say.. our senior manager knows me very well, and even my GM knows me better than them (my boss had told the other engineer to meet the GM upfront before presenting his work, since the GM didnt know him like he knows me! in ur face, buddy!)
So the bad news turned to good news, i guess?

A good start for this week..

Oh ya, tribute to my baby sis. This week will be her last week to enjoy-enjoy.. this saturday she'll start her fresh new day, fresh new status - university student - at Uitm Melaka. So all the best, adek!
To adek, take good care of urself. Study smart. Hopefully u manage to cope with the new environment. Good luck! (not sure if we can send u to the uitm. your beloved abang man will be having some friendly football match this weekend)

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