
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Travelling time?

Oh NO..!!
I just heard that I've been nominated by my manager to join my manager and superior to visit a Foundry and Casting International Exhibiton Center......and it will be held in....


I dont know how i'm going to prepare to go there
not that i'm worry about the journey..
or the language..
or the toilet (heard some stories about the toilet..euuuww!)..
or the environment..
or the weather..
or am i the only female ..
or the clothing..

the first thing that came flying through my mind was..
HOW am i going to stock up my bm for Lissa??

Now, what i pumped will be used the next day. no stocks since my sister took care of Lissa this April. She gave Lissa bm whenever Lissa looked like hungry - so Lissa didn't have the opportunity to get hungry - not like at her nursery before, where the bs usually waited up til Lissa was screaming out of her lung!!

So, i guess, i'll be stocking up like CRAAAZZYYYYY!

OK.. now i have to calculate how many bottles that i'm going to have..
I'll be going there for 6 days.
Lissa consumed around 20 oz during the day.. times 2 for night = 40 oz
6 days x 40 oz = 240 oz
240 oz divide by 3 oz per bottle = 80 bottles
ARE you crazyy??? oh my...
i dont know how and this is within very very short notice!
i have only 18 days to prepare for that
1 day = 4 ~ 5 bottles in the freezer!!
not included pumping for daily usage = 6 bottles
Daily = 10 ~ 11 bottles ??
Current situation = 4 ~ 6 bottles ..
I'm going to be really crazyy pumping mother this coming 18 days...!!
whatever for you my dear Lissa

Hopefully Lissa won't have to consume any formula..
May Allah blessed me with a lot of milk and supply..
Mommies, pray for me, k?
Tonight, i have to prepare some jantung pisang to boost up my milk supply..insyaAllah..

(Oh btw, my manager just discussed with me, asking whether i could go or not..discussed the flight details and all.. however, the approval paper not yet approved by our senior director. there's still possibility that i'm not going, yeay!!!)

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