
Sunday, April 4, 2010

A long vacation - Trip to Husband's hometown

Wow.. it has been quite some time since my last update..
a lot of events happened over this past week..

I took a 4 days annual leave starting on last Monday (29th March) til Thurs (1st Apr). Initially, the only reason i took the leave was as a promise to my husband to go back to his hometown - Senggarang, Batu Pahat. Later on, the leave i took was so beneficial and somehow fully utilized. How? Let me get started..
Monday morning, Lissa ready to go back to visit her nenek and atuk at Senggarang.
We were so determine to visit my FIL and MIL was because my FIL got his hand broken during the weekend while trying to fix his neighbour's ceiling. He fell down and broke his wrist. From his doctor's advice, he'll need to get through operation to insert some metal pin for the support. but the operation will be delayed until he is fully recovered from the injury. Luckily, Alhamdulillah, he was okay except for his broken left hand. We spent 3 days and 2 nights at their house. This was the time when Lissa got to know some domestic animals that she didn't have a chance living at a suburb like Shah Alam. I totally forgot to take the pictures, but Lissa got to know turkeys, some burung puyuh, hens and of course cats! she loves to look at cats. everytime any cats passed by, she will act excitedly, looked like she wants to grab and bite them. i can't imagine how she'll act once she can walk and run!
Lissa and her abah so focused watching some drama.
We spent most of the time leisure and lepaking, watching tv. especially when we got to watch 2 channels from singapore. their show was much much better than ours. they even got the latest and updated CSI series.
 Other than that, we love to spent our time on bed. catching up with our lack of sleep. thank God, my MIL was so sporting, letting our sleep passed 10 am..hehe
The last day before we went back to Shah Alam, of course we didnt want to miss the best food ever in Batu Pahat : Asam Pedas Fish.
Lissa with her abah, waiting for the ordered fish.
We ate at one of the famous stall at Batu Pahat.
Just look at how big is the kepala ikan. yummy yummy! and it was much cheaper than at Shah Alam.
Now, we are ready to get back home. Shah Alam, here we go!
Eh, where are we now? i tot we're going back home..
Now, we are at one of the famous kerepek distributor.
Memang murah and people from all over Malaysia, and even Singapore and Brunei come here to get their kerepek. when u buy in bulk, u'll get better deal. but i am not selling it anywhere, so i just get my kerepek pedas, some rempeyek with kacang hijau (or what johorian called it tumpee?) and a jar of kacang tumbuk (marvelous tastes!!).
Ok, now we are ready to go!
We made some detour. My parents are moving out from KL's house, so we went there for the last packing. helping here and there.
A view from our house that'll be missed. - sorry for the picture - blurred due to cellphone camera..

The other day, as promised, I prepared Lissa's food for her first meal. I'll made special entry for this one. :)

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