
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weekend updates

Hello mommies!
Last weekend, Lissa and I went along my mom, my sis and my bro to Nilai. Fyi, my mom has been transfered to Putrajaya Hospital from HKL effective this month onwards. Because of that, my parents will stay for good at Nilai (provided that my mom won't be transfered to anywhere else after this).
Lissa getting bored during our journey to Nilai
We attend our next door neighbor's daughter's wedding once we arrived. Luckily, not so many people were around that time (although it was already 12 pm). Lissa can even lie on the table (personally, I won't allow this, but it was my father who put her on top of the table.)
My father - playing with confused Lissa
Lissa - saying stop, dont take any picture!-with my bro's gf 
After having our stomach full, we went inside and started our cleaning activities. actually, i was cheating on the cleaning activity. i fell asleep next to Lissa (hey, who should watch Lissa when everybody outside? hehe..) 
Lissa-slept throughout the day. from 2 pm til 8 pm! I removed her cloth since she was sweating and after quite some time, right after my dad switched on the aircond, I covered her body with a towel.
My brother - acting like a petani with his cangkul.

My mom, my sis and my bro's gf - busy picking up all those papan for my dad's project of renovation.

My dad's so-called jacuzzi in-progress with a covered shower place (looked like a dog house - my mom said. patut la ade anjing masuk berteduh dlm tu. seriously!)

We went for dinner at Bandar Bukit Mahkota that evening before going back to KL.
Lissa having fun playing with her atok and nenek
Lissa was inside a sarung bantal. so funny! it was raining and we have to put her inside that.
Me and my sis- taking picture while waiting for our dinner. Noticed that we were wearing baju kurung from the kenduri.
At last, mine was nasi goreng daging goreng, same as my mom. Others? tak sempat nak ambil gambar, dah licin..hehehe

We (me, Lissa and my husband) went back to Shah Alam the next day. We finally managed to get to eat at one of the mamak stall at Tesco Extra.
Lissa was all excited that she couldn't stop moving.
My husband had to hold her tight in order for her to stay calm. Did it work?
Yes, i think so. You were right, dear!
Eh, silaplah. She was wide awake - interested on mama's roti canai, i guess! (Tipah tertipu)

The next morning, we went to clinic for Lissa's 5th month shot. She was cranky while waiting. but to our surprise (me, my husband and even the doc and the nurses), she didn't cry when the needle poke into her buttock's skin. but.. she cried when she has to swallow the Rotavirus vaccine. so funny because the vaccine tastes good. She pretended that it wasn't. No tears, only the short wailing.

I have to give her the teether so that she'll stay quiet. Looked at my husband, taking his short nap.

This is Lissa with her new style of playing with her soft gym-teether. Raised up your legs, high up!

I introduced Lissa with this new toys, bought at My Dear warehouse sale last week. It's all about the pop links. Good for 3+ month.

Lissa was busy with her new colorful toys.
But, instead of popping the link... inside my mouth tasted better! there you go!

Quite an entry for today.. I guess that's all for the weekend updates. Let's see if I have enough time for updates tomorrow! Take care and have a good day, mommies!


  1. Airin,
    huh tgk tgn Lissa..geram!!
    berapa berat dia??
    I think Lissa nih tinggi lah..ikut mommy dia nih..:)
    btw,jauh dah la ye Airin nk balik umah ur parents :)
    luv the jacuzzi too:)

  2. tangan dgn kaki dia mmg ketul2 sket. tp tang lain, tak berapa nak berketul..hehe. kalau pegang badan dia, bleh rs tulang belakang. mcm kesian pun ade gak.hehe.
    berat now baru 6.1 kg. sbb last month byk sgt sakit2. demam la, batuk la, selsema la.. tu yg berat naik around 400g jeik.
    yup..jauh dah pasni balik. tp kalau lalu elite, around 30 min dah sampai. tak la jauh sgt, compared to nadia nye hometown ;)
    nanti jacuzzi dah fully operated, airin panggil nadia, kite berjacuzzi sama2..hehehehe. adam bleh join. kata dah tere swimming kan
