
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lissa on high chair

Last Tuesday we went to Tesco Extra for dinner - the nasi ayam, yummy! It was the first time Lissa sat on a high chair.
Looked calm - while trying to balance
Suddenly got super excited
No wonder la excited.. saw the teether.
Angry, mama took the teether and hide it inside her handbag
Never mind la..just put on a kesian face. hopefully mama will understand
Instead of giving me the teether, she took me for a snap. eishhh..

Now, Lissa knows how to play with the fancy toys on her walker.
I have to put a pillow so that she wont bump on the toys or reclined forwards.
She still didn't know how to move the walker. so i turned it to rocker, so that i could rock it while doing my dish (get the picture? one leg on the rocker while doing dishes. it was hillarious! i didn't put that on show whenever my husband's around. he'll laugh his ass off watching me rocking + washing..)

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