
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A New post for Year 2010 (at last)

I guess it wasn't too late for me to wish everybody HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (though we are already in February)
A mixed feeling going on my mind on that new year's eve. Happy, Melancholy, Excited and Satisfied? I couldn't find the exact word to describe what I felt.


Looking back at what I have gone thru, what have I accomplished.. I can conclude that Year 2009 was a wonderful, sweet and most memorable year for me.

Listed below are all those happy, sweet memories for me and my husband along 2009 :


January 2009

From the beginning, my tittle evolved from Ms to Mrs. Being a wife to someone was easy. But being a good and solehah wife to someone wasn't easy. Just imagine to have to share a room with other person, even have to share bed and bathroom. Have to prepare food, tidy up the room and house, clean bathroom, wash and arrange clean cloth. But I managed to enjoy every moment spent with him. To wake up next to someone I love, to go back from work to a home we shared together, to get to do stuff with the person I cherish, were much much worth it!


During the first few weeks of January, we went for our honeymoon. Those serenity and peaceful surroundings were what we need that time. After those tiring days and weeks preparation for our wedding, we finally could get some relaxing moment, together. Alhamdulillah, everything went smooth. Even though lack of planning for place to stay, we were able to find the most comfortable place to stay. Thanks to Zen Garden Resort, Kundasang! We had a wonderful time there.

The most wonderful time was when we woke up as early as 530 am, just to watch kinabalu mount. words can describe what we felt at that time. The most breathtaking scenery we've ever seen!!

A walk to the jungle and forest,visiting the Canopy Walk, enjoying every moment with fresh air and numerous tall trees soothed our mind.

Although the trekking up hill made us shot of breath, it was worth it!


After 3 days 2 nights of astonishing stay at Kundasang, we went back to Kota Kinabalu town and continue our jalan2 cari makan. The reason I said that was because of the seafood. I cant express how fresh and cheap the crabs, prawn, squid and fish over there. We had a full stomach for the whole visit!


By the end of January, multiple events filled our life already. And it was just a beginning of 2009. Yet, good news not over.I found out that I was pregnant by the end of the month. 24th January to be exact. I was late, and I knew that we're going to be parents. He was overwhelmed with the news. Felt like on top of the world!


24th January to 2nd October

The timeline has marked a new start for both of us. Lucky and fortunate, I didn't have any morning sickness or alergy throughout my pregnancy. And he has been the best husband I've ever wanted. Care for me and fulfill my emotion and basic needs. Just say whatever I want, he'll give it. Alhamdulillah, my labor was also easy and smooth, never thought that bringing a child to a world was that easy. Berkat doa every night dan semangat from my husband and family, Nur Adriana Lissa Maisarah binti Rosman was born healthy.

Lissa with her abah

Lissa's first bath with nenek

Lissa and mama

Lissa with Atuk

Lissa with Nenek

Lissa with Nyang Nyang (Great grandfather)


April 2009

We moved to our first owned apartment after almost 4 months staying at rented 1 bedroom apt at Brunsfield Apartment. Pangsapuri Indahria. At last! I bought the apartment with a downpayment for only RM500 in 2006. The first property owned by me. However, we didn't want to make any renovation for the apartment since we are going to move to our landed house by either end of 2010 or early 2011. so, the apt stays as it is



So, new year, new resolution, I guess?
  • To be a better wife to Mr Rosman - amin
  • To be the best mom to Nur Adriana Lissa Maisarah - amin
  • To successfully breastfeed Lissa as long as til she reaches 2 years old - InsyaAllah
  • To be a good daughter to my mom, dad and in-laws
  • To be a good sis to my sisters and brother
  • To be a dedicated worker to Proton Holdings
  • To buy a new car - long term resolution-dateline 2011??

 After all said and done, I better start planning for the whole year 2010. Wish me luck!!!


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