
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Work work work (tak habis-habis..)

Work work work.. (translated to one of the song: Lalala Kerjalah by Meet Uncle Hussain)

La la la
Hari hari kerja..
La la la
Bosan dengan kerja
La la la
Hidup harus kerja…kerja…

Ulang * 2x

Tak puas lagi beradu…mengantuk~…
Subuh hingga senja…
Hari hari sama saja…

Ahh..nak bancuh kopi..
Tapi gulanya tak ada…
Minum saja…
Kerja bagai nak gila..
Sama sahaja…

Ulang * 2x

Gelisah..ku gelisah..
Mengenangkan masa depan…
Ku harus kerja..
Ohhh mesti kerja..
Tiada ada apa yg percuma…
Jika tiada kerja..
Ohhh, papa kedana

Soo hectic that i couldnt even have time to sit and breathe! believe it or not, my boss and bosses were really squeezing me out that i'm almost flat..
Just imagine, he sent me an email yesterday morning, asking me to do some paper work, and gave a dateline by this Friday (which is quite reasonable to me). and out of sudden, he came to me after lunch break and announced that he want the job to be done by that day! luckily, i managed to find some time in the morning, focussing on the paper, and i got it done exactly before 4 pm. i was waiting for him for his signature of 'Checked by', when suddenly (yes, i use many of the "sudden" word) my manager, who is the boss of my boss came to me and asked for the paper. As always, born lucky (perasan sket..hehe) i handed over the paper and he signed it on the 'Approved by' side. So funny that i went to my boss, and asked him to sign at the 'Checked by' area only after the approved by my manager. agak-agak mcm dah langkah bendul la plak kan.. hehe.. but anyway, my hectic working life quite affect my milk production. couldnt find enough time to pump and high stress level made my stock, as what we can call now, JIT = just-in-time.~sigh~
I prayed to God that i could still provide milk to my baby til she's 2 years old..aminn...
Oh, btw, i am still preparing some stuff for my year 2009 closing, but couldnt manage to post it yet. probably wait til the hectic and chaotic life settles down first..
P/S : Feeling a bit jealous reading Mommy Nadia's post on her catch! uhuk.. wish i had it too :(  

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