
Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Kenduri + Shopping Day!

I already wrote this on 21st Dec 09, but didn’t have time to load it to my blog. So here it is..
Monday 21st Dec 09 :
We went back to my mom’s at KL. Dah rindu sangat kat Lissa kot.. everyday they called, asked when r we going back.. so to fulfill their wish, we went back. It was totally different – the way they welcomed us. SO different that I was a bit jealous of Lissa (tho it was unreasonable..hehe).
On Saturday, we (My mom, my lil sisters –nani & aby, Lissa and I) went to a wedding reception at Rembau. It was my lil brother’s girlfriend’s elder sister (confused? Try read slowly. U’ll get it.hehe) Lissa was so happy first time she got the invitation that she slept all the way :D.
As everybody knows : Plus highway + Saturday/Sunday/Public Holiday + Raining = Traffic Jem!!!
My back was aching from the moving and stopping and braking all the way for 2 hours! We were supposed to arrive Rembau by 2 pm (2 hours from KL) but at 2, we’d just reached Seremban. Hate Traffic jem!! Thank God, by the time we reached Senawang, the road was soo clear that we could speed up and arrived Rembau around 2:30pm. Lissa was pouting and frowning since the music was too loud. Luckily she didn’t cry. She was so overwhelmed by people around her that she kept turning her head left and right looking for people. Afterwards, we went back to kampung at Kota (took us only 15 min). My grandpa (or he called himself Nyang-nyang to Lissa – soo cute!!) was extremely happy to see his great grand daughter. We spent there until dinner. Lissa’s auntie (called her Mak Echok – Shortform for Bechok coz she was talking all the time) gave Lissa her cute hairband. Look at her, soo cute with that thing on. We arrived KL around 11 pm – all tired including Lissa.
The Next Day – Sunday –an off day for my husband. We took a chance to go shopping!! YES plus the bonus = YEAY!! We left lissa with her grandmom along with bottles of susu in case she was hungry tho I didn’t go that long (12.30 to 5.30 – tak lama kan? Hehe) 12:30 pm – Mid valley, here we go! (Me + My husband + My youngest sis – aby)
At last, we get to borong baju for Lissa. Most of her 0-3months old shirt were getting tight. We bought most of 6-12 months shirt and pyjamas. At least I don’t need to garu-garu kepala what to pack for her nursery (lately, she keeps wearing the same shirt all over again). Penuh la satu basket. But then it was satisfying since the shirts were all on sale, especially Pigeon. Normal price around RM29~35 per piece, we get around RM8~18 per piece. Wut a bargain, rite? Surprisingly My husband told me “Nanti kalau sale je, kita gi borong baju Lissa, k?” due to the fact that he hates to shop especially at crowded area (Midvalley is always no 1).
I bought set of bodyshop for my husband for his birthday – didn’t get time to get him something. It was a rasberry set – Bodyscrub + Bodyshower- he loves it! Thank God 
We had a break after a long walk at Krispy Kream. I used to have this donut back at the States and I like it. But the donut tastes differently here. They definitely have to improve the taste. My husband was craaazyy at that time, that he wore the Krispy Kream cap, or kopiah like my sis called. So funny. We even asked him to wear that during Solat Jumaat..hehehe. we got back around 6 pm. We went back to shah alam around 9 pm that day.

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