
Friday, September 11, 2009

37 weeks.. and counting..

i'm officially 37 weeks in pregnancy. Last Wednesday, i had my check-up with my ob. everything's normal, except for my body weight.. i didn't gain any.. not even a kilo for the past month. 64 kg and maintain. though, luckily, my baby did gain A LOT!! she was 1.9 kg last 2 weeks, and now, she gains up to 2.4 kg.. yeah, really fast, and growing.. thank God. although i didnt gain any. theoretically, i lost some..i guess, this fasting activity managed to shed some of my fat, i guess..hehe
my Ob asked if i go back to my hometown or not this festive. of course i said i do.. then she scheduled another check-up on the 17th (next week). wut scared me was she said, i'll probably be ready to deliver next week. she'll check on the dilation and determine, if i were to dilate at least 3cm, she'll get me induced for the labor. if not, then i'll be save and happy to go back for raya. hopefully....
Updates on the check-up other than her weight, i got to see her face once more. so cute.. and i asked the ob to look for the hair. and she does have hair. it seems like her father's.. tercacak and standing up..haha..
i guess i better focus on my paper work now.. i've got 5 days more before i went off for my maternity leave :D (big smile)

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