
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wow, my weight increment in GOOD progressed!

Update please..
sorry readers. been busy with work stuff.
ok.wut to tell..oh ya! last tuesday we went for the 4th checkups. well, everything looked okay. and the doc really impressed with my weight progressed. last time i did weight a lil 200 grams extra than last month, which was NOT GOOD.. but this time around, an extra 2.3 kg compared from last month. GOOD PROGRESSED!! at least 2 kg per month for a normal weight increased. now i'm 57.8 kg (which was my previous normal weight before i got preggy, and before i got all the morning sickness stuff).
we did the ultrasound and seemed like our baby didnt like the 'brightness' scan. he/she kept on changing position thru out the session. but though, our doc could predict the baby would be a She.. well..well.. too early though. but.. my hubby was the happiest person to hear that. me? YEAY!! all the pink stuff kept on flashing thru my mind! hahaha. nice one!! nevertheless, i dont mind having a boy.. either one is fine with me, as long as the baby is healthy, strong, and bright..and plus, would be a soleh/solehah person. (aminnnn)

though busy with the work and life stuff.. another event to conduct..
Proton Casting Plant Department Bowling Tournament
I've been selected as one of the Urusetia (as previous year - to collect money, to do name listing, to set the present, to calculate the budget- in fact, all stuff)
yesterday me and my hubby (who is the Pengurus) went for present shopping - yeay! since 60 participants joined, we bought 60 presents plus 2 for highest score Male & Female, 2 for Lowest Score Male & Female and 5 mystery gifts. though no sponsorship this time around, we managed to squeeze the money for 69 types of presents. wut a great pengurusan, rite? hehe (pat on the my shoulder)
the game would be held at Sunway Pyramid, this coming Saturday, 16th May 09. cant wait to see the acts.. all the Longkang Bowlers..hahaha
oh fyi.. i didnt compete like last year.. uhuk.. preggy mom, stay away from throwing ball!! :(

alrite peeps.. got to go.. see ya when i got to write soon!!

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